5 Things Every Budding Actor Should Know

  • By: Admin
5 Things Every Budding Actor Should Know
21 Sep 2024

As actors, there are some things that are entirely beyond our control. Repeatedly, we’ve been informed that our accomplishments and future in the entertainment industry rely heavily on talent, timing, hard work, connections, and luck.

Some factors that contribute to our success are beyond our influence. However, there are also factors that we have the power to control and work on daily to advance our careers.

Here are five daily tips from every best acting institute in Kolkata to guarantee success both as an actress and as a person. ‘Cause, ultimately, acting is simply portraying real life. I mean, if we are not capable of being good people, how can we excel as actors?

1: Know What “Suits” You

Sure, during your time in school, you were taught how to portray a wide variety of characters. People motivated you to push your limits, face challenges, and develop.

But, in real life, it is improbable that you will be chosen for roles that drastically differ from your natural age, height, weight, etc. So, it’s crucial to understand yourself before auditioning and how it impacts the variety of roles suitable for you.

While vital statistics may appear to be simple, understanding the complexities of the different roles can be quite challenging.

So, don’t hesitate to have introspective discussions with friends, educators, representatives, and casting professionals. Ask them for their genuine opinions, and then ensure your headshot mirrors the knowledge you have gained.

You might have the ability to portray characters different from your usual roles. But before choosing that, you must establish a portfolio in roles meant for actors with your features.

2: Work Hard… Every Damn Day

In order to survive the challenging early years, daily effort from your side is required.

Without regularly carving out time in your schedule, you will always find excuses to postpone tasks like sending mail, making calls, and reading industry publications.

So, start by setting aside a daily hour dedicated to working on your career! A day when you have accomplished even one task related to your job is considered a successful day.

It involves attending auditions, sending out mailings, exercising, eating well, and also watching plays, films, and television shows.

Your task is to understand the industry. Having an “it” factor is not sufficient; do not make that assumption. You can learn the business, it is your responsibility to do so.

Best Acting Institute in Kolkata

3: Exercising Will be a Part of Your Life

If our bodies are not in sync and in shape, how can we accurately represent a character since acting is largely physical?

Physical movement can be beneficial for actors by helping to alleviate the mental stress that often accompanies the portraying of characters.

Dealing with ongoing rejection, overcoming nerves, or just achieving a certain level of physical fitness to embody the character.

Exercising regularly can assist in dealing with those issues. Besides, it can provide increased energy, improved stance, self-assurance, and control. This will make you more successful in stage performances, advertisements, casting calls, and filming.

4: Work on Monologues and Scripts Daily

Similar to any other muscle that needs to be exercised, the mind and the physical body also require daily exercise. If we only practise a monologue monthly or work scenes for auditions, we’re not exercising our skills enough to truly be ready.

Consider your strategy as being similar to the mindset of a professional athlete. As actors, we exercise our craft and “sport” muscles daily. This gets us ready for the acting Olympics, rather than just occasionally or when needed. An athlete should not anticipate winning a competition if they only train right before it. And the same goes for an actor too!

5: Don’t Just Watch… Read As Well

I am always trying to absorb various writing styles.

Scripts provided by casting directors, directors, and writers in feature film auditions, and online articles, novels, and opinion pieces on varied topics – they contribute different perspectives and writing styles that can enhance the character I aim to depict, write about, or draw inspiration from.

While reading, I imagine how I would portray a character’s form or conflict, and embody their mannerisms or tones. One of my preferred activities involves reading already produced scripts and analysing how actors portray them on screen.

Above All… Be a Good Person

Remember, multiple talented actors are frequently being assessed for the same role. Stand out from the crowd by being a joy to collaborate with – something almost every acting & fashion styling courses in Kolkata teach.

Is the casting director looking for someone to join them in a rehearsal room for a month?

Working on a film production for half a year?

Have you been working on a TV series for seven years?

Building a reputation requires a significant amount of time. The key is to show respect to all and strive to excel in your tasks.

Don’t forget – persistence is necessary to maintain a career in this industry. If you choose to pursue a career as an actor, the initial challenging years will eventually seem insignificant.


Be punctual.

Act in a professional manner.

Complete the task.

Show gratitude.

And continue to put in all of your effort. Good luck!

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